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Vendor Integration Office (VIO) Tools –  Definitions

Reorient Contracts, Negotiation, RFPs, and Vendor Evaluation to Methodically and Continually Enhance All of the Processes of Your Business!

Too often relationships with vendors are governed by arcane contract passages whose true impact on the larger enterprise is unknown to the guild of lawyers that created them. With VIO training, you will learn how to pull your legal, negotiating, and IT staffs out of their individual towers and into an integrated team, where understanding is created for the business context they operate in and the impact that their work has upon that business context.

With IT Maturity Vendor Integration training you will look at how to leverage diverse vendors effectively for IT activities that directly support and enhance the processes of your business.

VIO principles include outsourcing models for hardware, software, and services. This includes definitions of how to balance the number of vendors for different types of activities based on competition and/or consolidation, global capabilities, and other maturity measures.

Eliciting Integration

In Eliciting Integration, you will learn why one size does NOT fit all. [Benefits] [FAQ]

Spectrum of strategic to tactical to emerging vendor relationships should be made with rules for engagement for each type of vendor in the spectrum.  RFx measures are defined that abstract away from enumeration and micro-management and instead towards holding vendors accountable to business purposes.

Is it impossible to bring in specialized and innovative vendors because of “one size fits all” vendor management processes? Are you paying double what you need to for half the capabilities? Then click here to schedule a discussion..

Contracts Integration

With Contracts Integration, your team will see how to pull your legal team out of their Ivory Tower and integrate them into your business.

ITMM’s perspective is that the law is built to help businesses integrate with other parties and should evolve to best advance this purpose. Legal should understand how its actions impact the larger business and build processes to best foster that impact.

Are your contracts so overprotective that there are only a few bidders that overcharge and even collude ? Do you use the same contract language for small, large, vital, non-critical, innovative, and commodity activities? Do you have constant contract conflict with your vendors? Then click here to schedule a discussion.

Negotiation Integration

When covering Negotiation Integration, you will hear how to gain more time and options to improve your negotiation positions across the board. [Benefits]

Having real-time across the board Business Enhancement models from the ITMM BEO allows enterprises to maintain time and option based negotiation advantages across the board.

Is your process so rigid that once you get to final negotiations, you are boxed into one vendor? Then click here to schedule a discussion.

Vendor Integration Office Tools –  Tracking and Measuring

Vendor Performance

With Vendor Performance, your team will see new ways to make sure that vendors aren’t making you do their job. [Benefits] [FAQ]

ITMM tools get your enterprise out of the business of micro-managing vendors and software development. Focus is reoriented to evaluation of how well vendors are managing their own processes, NOT on individual tasks being handled by vendors.

Is your team reviewing minutiae to the point of doing the vendor’s work? Then click here to schedule a discussion.

Vendor Business Enhancement

When covering Vendor Business Enhancement, you will hear why most organizations neglect to measure the most critical aspects of vendor relationships. [Benefits]

Tools for measurement of how effective vendors are at providing business benefit and enhancement to the enterprise are provided. The result is that vendors become focused on aiding your business, not just defined requirements.

Are your vendors happy to provide resources on projects that go nowhere or don’t provide business value? Then click here to schedule a discussion.

Vendor Process Performance

In Vendor Process Performance, you will learn how to measure the impact of contract structures and other vendor process elements on your business and how to improve these structures and processes.

Elicitation, contract, negotiation, and vendor metric processes, as well as the larger out-sourcing model need to be measured to determine their efficacy and so that they can be tuned and advanced. Effective monitoring allows quick turn around in improvement in IT processes.

Is the context of the larger business’ processes so big and fixed that you are unable to adjust and optimize? Then click here to schedule a discussion.

Vendor Integration Office Tools –  Tuning and Advancing

Value Initiatives

With Value Initiatives, your team will see both how to evaluate the market continually for opportunities and how to grow vendors.

Tracking contracts from a renewal perspective is analogous to the ITMM TAO’s Change Management activity, but from a vendor management as opposed to a technology management perspective. Additionally, the marketplace is monitored to see if re-negotiations are opportune.

Is your team missing opportunities to cut costs in existing contracts based on ongoing technology change? Then click here to schedule a discussion.  

Click here to schedule discussion or email with questions or comments.
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