Business Enhancement Office (BEO) Tools – Definitions
Methodically and
Continually Analyze Improvements for Each Process of Your Business!
With BEO training, you will avoid portfolio panic. Instead of having static business and IT strategies created by a few leaders in a rush, you will learn how to engage your whole organization continuously
and methodically, to evaluate and mature strategies and their impact on each business process.
The BEO focuses on a detailed breakdown of business functions, as well as measuring and
advancing those functions.
With IT Maturity Business Enhancement training, you will
see your IT team listening to your business team in order to identify IT applications and services that enable each process of your business. Your IT team will learn how to track and measure the impact of
IT on each of these processes and how to tune and advance IT to enhance business processes.
Business Functions Map
With the Business Functions Map, your team will hear why you need to
understand each piece of your business before you can understand your IT. [Benefits] [FAQ]
A Business Functions Map provides a shared view, which can be methodically
and continually understood by all the members of your team.
Is it difficult to introduce new technologies and systems because existing systems have overlapping
business functionality? Do you have a patchwork of systems with many overlaps and gaps? Then click here to schedule a discussion.
Business Integrations
In Business Integrations, you will see why a picture of each piece of the business is not enough.
Representations of business function integration, will help each team better understand the interfaces
of their own activities with other teams, reducing the complexity of communication between teams.
Do issues arise in your projects because one part of the business does not understand another part? Is
excessive time spent clarifying every bit and byte that is exchanged between organizations? Then click here to schedule a discussion.
Business Enhancement Office Tools – Tracking and Measuring
Usage Tracking
With Usage Tracking, you will learn why it is important to quantify usage of IT applications and service
by business function.
Usage tracking insures that every logic branch is used effectively. Understanding usage provides
insights in how to improve processes and applications.
Do you develop and roll out systems that are only sparsely or never used? Are your users oblivious of
how to use your systems? Then click here to schedule a discussion. 
Usage Assessment
In Usage Assessment, your team will see why customer satisfaction should
NOT be your primary mechanism for evaluation of IT.
Many applications fail because of usage issues as opposed to technical issues.
It is NOT satisfaction that is the primary goal but rather whether business activities are occurring as intended and needed. Assessment can be use to both obtain feedback from users and also to help
educate users about features available.
Are most of your users defeating the purpose of your systems by contorting usage into the legacy
processes they were intended to replace? Do only a few of your customers use your systems as they were intended to be used? Then click here to schedule a discussion.
Business Value
When covering Business Value you will learn new ways to do continual analysis of the bottom-line
impact of IT. [Benefits]
Surveys need to go beyond just an assessment of usage, they need to extend into the full spectrum of
value add. Are there quantitative business metrics that can be used to gauge the effectiveness of applications or features?
Are some of your systems being used as intended, but the end business metrics have not improved? Then click here to schedule a discussion.
Business Enhancement Office Tools – Tuning and Advancing
Business Comparison
In Business Comparison, your team will hear how to provide generic
business maturity tools and processes. [Benefits]
Your team looks at how to optimize business across the board, helping the
enterprise look for innovative ways to improve and envision the future. With TopicHero users can organize and share Links, RSS Feeds, Search
Engines, and descriptions associated with their topics of expertise. This enables them to maintain and grow their expertise and continually compare alternative business,
technology, and vendor options.
Is your staff stagnant in their areas of expertise? Are they neglecting to bring in the latest
improvements? Then click here to schedule a discussion.
Business Enhancement
With Business Enhancement, you will see why it is important for IT to focus on business function IT
before the newest FAD technology. [Benefits]
Once potential improvements have been identified an across the board quantitative analysis of the
advantages of different IT Enhancements needs to be done. Providing the creation of an ongoing live picture of how the enterprise can most effectively advance (i.e. a vision based on data).
Is your IT organization focusing on technology fads instead of business improvement? Are your
competitors bringing in relevant new technology to get ahead of you? Then click here to schedule a discussion.