IT Maturity, Inc.

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Benefit from state of the art training across the spectrum of  IT activities.


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Training & Consulting

Methodically and Continuously Enable Your IT Organization to Better Support and Enhance Your Business!

Training Course and Consulting Package Key

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IT Maturity offers  training to advance IT Business Enhancement, Technology, Leadership, and Vendor Integration.

The first digit represents approximate duration of course or consulting package, 1 - two hours, 2 - one day, 3 - one week, 4 - multiple weeks.

The second digit represents the course material, 1 - Business Enhancement (BE), 2 - Technology Advancement (TA), 3 - Vendor Integration (VI), 4 - Leadership Improvement (LI), 5 - a combination of all four (BE/TA/VI/LI), 6 thru 8 - other alternative combinations of material, 9 - general.

The typical IT Maturity client sequence is:

  • Training Course ITMM 14 (two hours online)
  • Training Course ITMM 25 (one day onsite)
  • Consulting Package ITMM 35 (1 week onsite)
  • Consulting Package ITMM 45 (Multiple weeks onsite).
  • Training Courses
    • ITMM 14: Online - Leadership Improvement

      The typical first step  to get a taste of IT Maturity training is to go to the Online Training Store to take the online course.

      This class can also be brought on sight, click here to see a detailed course description.

    • ITMM 25: Onsite - Full IT Maturity Method
    • ITMM 26: Onsite - Leadership and Innovation
    • ITMM 11: Onsite - Business Enhancement
    • ITMM 16: Onsite - Innovation & Automation
    • General Public Seminars
  • Architecture Consulting Packages

Click here to schedule discussion or email with questions or comments.
Phone: 866-614-6888. URL:
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